IT services.

Overview of services:

Today we have an immense amount technology in our daily lives. It's on our desk's and laps, it's in our hands and it's even out of sight in the "cloud". Some times we need help with dealing with all the technology out there. I can help in understanding, getting started, setting up and using your technology. Because you should be afraid of your technology, you should be in control. From setting up a home network and using Office products to using your PC and mobile devices; The solution is within reach!

IT Services I offer:

- Router/Switch set up.
- Wireless or Wired networking
- Wireless/Wired network trouble shooting
- Wireless/wired Printer set up and trouble shooting
PC or Mobile devices:
- System Consulting
- System Trouble shooting
- Application and product consulting
- Phone security and protection
Printing and media:
- Printer/media Device set up
- Trouble shooting and issue resolution
Technology consulting:
- PC, Networking and other device consulting
- Technology explained
- Help with technology
Microsoft Windows, Android and Linux support!
Both residential and commercial solutions to fit your technological needs.


Residential Rates:
$50 per on-site call, first hour included.
$25/hr after the first hour.

For commercial rates and how to set up a consult please contact me Here!